Have you heard the term “curb stomp” before? It’s a shockingly violent act that has appeared in news stories, movies, and TV shows. In this article, we’ll explain exactly what curb stomping is, explore some infamous incidents, and discuss the legal and psychological aspects of this brutal crime.
What Is Curb Stomp?
A “curb stomp” is a vicious form of assault where an attacker forces a victim’s open mouth onto a curb or hard surface and then stomps on the back of their head. This crushes the victim’s jaw, teeth, and skull between the curb and the attacker’s boot.
Curb stomping can cause severe injuries like broken jaws, cracked skulls, brain damage, and even death. The term is sometimes used more generally to refer to violently stomping on someone’s head, even without an actual curb.
Historical Incidents
One of the most infamous curb stomping incidents happened in 1986 in Stockton, California. A 25-year-old man was savagely attacked by 10 teens and young men. They stripped him naked, spray-painted his body, beat him with sticks, and stomped on his head while his mouth was on a curb.

In another notorious case, white supremacist skinheads attacked a 21-year-old black man in Portland, Oregon in 1988. One skinhead smashed the victim’s head against a curb while another stomped on it, leaving the man critically injured. The attackers went to prison for attempted murder.
How Does A Curb Stomp Happen?
A curb stomp usually starts with the attacker rendering the victim helpless, either by knocking them to the ground or holding them down. The assailant then positions the victim’s open mouth onto a curb or other hard edge.
With the victim’s head trapped in place, the attacker stomps down on the back of their head with as much force as possible, usually with a booted foot. A single stomp can cause devastating damage. Bite the Curb aftermath often end with the victim unconscious or dead.
Legality Of Curb Stomping
Curb stomping is illegal everywhere. It’s charged as aggravated assault at a minimum, and attempted murder or murder if the injuries are severe enough or the victim dies. Even if unpremeditated, curb stomping implies an intent to cause grave harm.
Curb stomping often involves other aggravating factors that increase criminal penalties, like a hate crime motivation, gang involvement, or the young age of the perpetrators or victim. Defendants can face decades in prison if convicted.
Why Does Someone Commit A Curb Stomp?
Curb stomps are frequently associated with gang violence, hate crimes, or a desire to brutally dominate and degrade a victim. Perpetrators may be driven by rage, sadism, or an intention to maim and kill. Curb stomping is meant to terrorize and dehumanize.
Some curb stomping incidents happen during brawls or fights that explosively escalate. Assailants caught up in the heat of the moment cross a line and inflict the devastating cranial damage of a curb stomp. But viciousness is always the common denominator.
What To Do If You Witness A Curb Stomp?
If you see a curb stomp assault in progress, immediately call 911 to summon police and an ambulance. The victim will need urgent trauma care. Don’t directly intervene unless you can safely pull the attacker away.
If it’s too dangerous to step in, shout that you are calling the police. Try to note the attacker’s appearance for reporting to law enforcement. Once the assault ends, keep your distance but tell the victim that help is coming. If trained, provide first aid until EMTs arrive.
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Curb stomping is a shockingly brutal act of violence meant to inflict severe head trauma and degradation on victims. Perpetrators are motivated by rage, sadism, or cruel intent. The cranial and facial damage is often permanently disabling or fatal.
If you witness a curb stomp assault, call 911 immediately to get the victim urgent medical help and report the crime. Curb stomping is a serious felony that results in lengthy prison sentences for those convicted. By understanding how to spot and report it, you can help combat this vicious crime.